Monday, September 27, 2010

Why is it so hard for me to ask for help?

I have struggled with asking for help my whole life. Asking for help is not my natural mind set. I believe one cause of this is how I studied for my engineering degree.

As an engineering student I often chose to figure things out for myself first and then work with others and provide them solution. It was faster for me to work alone and think through the solution and then share my answers with others to see if it made sense. It benefitted me and those who I checked my solution with. This mode of working was efficient to handle problems which were set up like college homework, especially as I had a heavy workload. Here’s the exact problem and there is indeed a definite answer. By following this mental pattern I became accustomed to not asking for help unless I was stuck and had been stuck for a long period of time.

However, in the workplace and in life issues are not so cut and dry. Team work and help is needed to not only complete the work, but to even define the problem and then to help communicate and spread the message. As I move forward I will try to define a new mental pattern of asking where can people help speed up or improve the quality of the end result. Please post your experiences.

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