Thursday, September 23, 2010

Steps to Change

I was originally going to write about metrics, but hit a writer’s roadblock. I decided to talk about the basic steps for engaging in change activity. In my career almost all roles I have played were and still are as a change agent. The ability to see change happen because of direct activities is immensely satisfying as human beings.I recommend we all participate as change agents both in work and also in life regardless of what we do or the lifestyle we lead. The basic steps for change are…

1. Identify the 5 W’s (who, what, where, why, when) to change. The key focus should be on the why, don’t worry about the how, that will come later.

2. Measure the current situation today and create a baseline to see the change from..

3. Using the 5 W’s Set a Goal of Tomorrow including a definite deadline and a measurable goal.

4. Create a plan to reach the goal of tomorrow or the how.

5. Communicate and execute plan to reach the goal of tomorrow including measuring and taking corrective action needed to reach the goal of tomorrow

6. Reach the goal of tomorrow. Celebrate, review and communicate why the goal was successful. Or because deadline passed review why goal of tomorrow was not reached, but still celebrate and communicate the success that was reached and/or the effort that was put forth.

7. Start over from step one. Do not let inertia stop you. (Reference Eli Goldratt, Theory of Constraint).

Same with the Pillars of Happiness I will take about these Steps to Change in detail in future Blog Posts. Please comment about what you think and let me know which step you think people tend to not put enough focus on.

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